Thursday, February 5, 2009

What's up with us for 2009

Well guys, what can I say? It looks like a big year for us so far...

Jon's planning to make a unique first-person horror movie. The story he's created is sure to send shivers down your spine. When it's finished, I'll post it.

We're back in the homeschool academy after a 4-week break. Everyone else picked classes where they have to study stuff, but not me. Instead, I'm doing gymnastics, study hall (twice), and circuit training (exercise). Lucky me :D

Starbright got fixed recently and he's fully recovered. And he couldn't be happier about it. Now, if only we could find a way to make him stop yipping and whining in his crate...

The Legend of Zelda is now The Myth of Zelda; I cancelled the film due to lack of scenery/actors/script/props/CGI... pretty much everything that COULD have happened did happen. Oh, well; another group is making a Zelda film and it looks outstanding.

And for those of us who are big Street Fighter fans, they're releasing Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360/PS3/PC) and Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li (live action film) THIS MONTH!! Better start practicing those Hadoken fireballs!!

And that's it. Bye!

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