Thursday, December 25, 2008

Current events

First off, I wanna say "Merry Christmas and a happy new year" to every one of you who reads this blog. Okay, now that the public message is out of the way, let's carry on with what's been happening with me lately...

I recently found out that I was misinformed regarding the CGI for my Zelda movie project; it turns out that my friend was lying and he was merely enthusiastic about helping me. If I can't get any CGI effects for the film, it's cancelled. Why? Because CG work is a necessity when it comes to a Zelda movie.

We recently got one of our puppies (Connie) spayed. We don't want to deal with more puppies if we can help it. And we picked a good time to do it because, much to Connie's displeasure, Starbright tried to doggie-style her. While we're talking about Connie, I caught her yesterday on the front walk; she had escaped from the backyard. We're not exactly sure how, but we hypothesize that she climbed up the logs we save for fires and went over the fence. Mom put a tarp over the pile this morning and Connie has not escaped again.

We just stopped unwrapping Christmas presents and are all grateful for the gifts we got:

ME: Three figurines (one knight, two dragons), Predator 2/Aliens, gloves, socks, iPod speakers

JON (gameplayer0000 on YouTube): Need for Speed: Undercover, car model, dorm chair, gloves

RYAN: Roboquad, Garfield: The Movie

KATIE: Webkins dragon, Littlest Pet Shop, Dog figurines, Underdog: The Movie

This list doesn't include all of the presents, as I forgot some of them. But if I find out more, I'll add them.

I'M 15 YEARS OLD!! This past Monday was my birthday, and I got two gifts: A DVD collection consisting of Alien and Predator and an iPod Nano -- I freaking LOVE that thing!

Patches is getting along better with Lucky (I think she's starting to realise that he's a wimp). That's all for now. Until next time, see ya!

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