A lot has been happening recently. For instance, Dad wanted a volleyball court in our backyard, but the place was a hill. So he had it leveled, had grass planted, and together the family made the inevitable dropoff area sloped.
Afterwards, Dad gathered me and my brothers to tell us how sick he was of the huge mess all over the house. We spent a few hours today cleaning up the house, and when Dad came home he was all but speechless. It was very satisfying :)
And on a sadder note, Katie broke her collar bone. This was the result of her jumping off a swing with her shoulder behind the support chain. Needless to say, the entire family was in shock when the news reached us (the incident happened at her friend's house).
And as a final shred of news, school's almost out! Soon it'll be three months of nothing but fun! A three-month-long weekend!! XD
Well, that's it. See ya!
Oh yeah, and that Street Fighter movie I mentioned earlier? Don't watch it. The movie stank. Just look it up on Rotten Tomatoes.
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