Here's the script so far:
Outline: In the beginning of time, a force of power was created, one that would become the most legendary power in history: The Tri-Force. It was given the name because it was made of three sections. Once every century, the Tri-Force would be given to any individual whom the gods deemed worthy. Its power would make the bearer invincible and unable to be killed in any way except for age, and it would give him/her magical powers beyond the greatest dreams of man. Once the bearer grew too old and died, the Tri-Force would be passed onto another. Eventually, the gods found three individuals in the kingdom of Hyrule that were worthy of the power... but which one would claim it? Ganondorf, the dark wizard? Zelda, the princess of Hyrule? Or Link, whose destiny was to become the greatest hero of the kingdom? To see who was truly worthy, the gods planted one third of the power in each. If one of them defeated the other two, or if one gave their third to another, they would claim the full power.
FYI: Ganondorf dies in the intro and swears to come back in 1000 years. During that time, Link and Zelda are babies. The reason that they are not old is because they are elves.
And so it began...
Scene 1: Anniversary party
This is a flashback to the great war of Hyrule.
King (narrator): There have been many great wars, but not one of them could compare to the carnage that spread across Hyrule on that fateful night... the night that Ganondorf, the great warlord, died. Ganondorf had in his possession one third of the power of The Tri-Force, a mystical force of immense power. He had spent his life trying to find the other two thirds with no success. But one night, as he stood in his fortress, he felt the calling of the other two parts nearby. He went to a window and looked down at our kingdom. As he gazed upon it, the calling of the two parts grew stronger. Convinced that they were in Hyrule, he gathered his forces and launched an assault on the kingdom, tearing apart everything in sight. Eventually, he realized that they were in the castle, in the possession of two individuals, whose names have been forgotten. He entered the castle and found the two, successfully gaining the Tri-Force at last. Unbeknownst to Ganondorf, inside the castle lay a magic sword so powerful, it could even slay one with the Tri-Force's full power: The Master Sword. A warrior named Barchetross realized what Ganondorf had done and removed it from its resting place and went into battle with the great warlord. The battle was epic, but Ganondorf was finally slain. Before he died, he cast a spell over the kingdom with every ounce of power he had left and swore that because of the spell he would return in 1000 years. Desperate to keep him from returning, his body was removed from the kingdom and every wizard in the land worked hard and removed the spell. Ganondorf was no more...
We now flash to the present, with the King seated on his throne (as usual) and many children surrounding him. These include Link and Zelda. They are all applauding...
King: Thank you, thank you. Now, if you would be so kind, the dinner is ready.
*Kids run into the next room, Link and Zelda follow (walking)*
Zelda to Link: Do you believe that story is true?
Link in response: Of course it's true. Why would your father value a fairy tale so much?
Zelda in response: I don't know... it's just that I'm kind of skeptical about this whole "evil warlord gets killed by a magic sword" bit.
Link in response: You know your father would never value something so much unless it was true.
Zelda in response: It's just that nothing like that happens today! I mean, if it really did happen, the Master Sword should still be around somewhere. And yet, nobody's found it!
Link in response: Well, I believe it. Why? That was my great grandfather who killed Ganondorf. That story's been in the family for years!
Zelda in response: But since when has another magical sword been built? Since when have we been attacked by some psycho warlord again?
Link in response: Shhh! Your father's about to speak!
*Now both are in the dining hall*
King: Thank you, everybody, for coming to this celebration tonight. Now as you all know, this is only a fraction of what is in store tomorrow! For as we all know, tomorrow is the anniversary of the night when Ganondorf was slain!
Link to himself: Oh man, it's gonna be good.
*Picks up a glass of what's supposed to be wine (Kool-Aid), as if to announce a toast*
King: To Hyrule!
*Crowd repeats, end of scene*
Scene 2: The Courtyard
A conversation between Link and Zelda. This scene tells us that the two are best friends.
*It is evening now, Zelda is outside of the castle. Link walks up to her...*
Link to Zelda: What are you doing out here?
Zelda in response: Setting up the courtyard for the big celebration tomorrow.
Link in response: Could you use some help?
Zelda in response: You have no idea.
Link in response: I'll take that as a yes. *starts to assist*
Zelda to Link: The food goes over there, the beverages over there, and the - oh! Almost forgot! My father requested that we put these at the end of each table *gives Link a basket of statues*
Link in response: He must've put a lot of thought into this.
Zelda in response: Well, when you favor quality as much as he does, you're bound to put a lot of thought into this sort of thing. He even picked this time of day so that we could finish the place without getting bothered by the storm.
*We hear thunder, then rain starts to fall*
Link: Oh man, you gotta be...
*Both run under a bridge providing shelter.*
Zelda to Link: Well, while we're here, I think I should tell you something...
Link in response: Tell me what?
Zelda in response: Recently, I've been having these nightmares... nightmares that Ganondorf returned and destroyed the kingdom. I... I think it's an omen of some kind.
Link in response: You mean... you think Ganondorf's coming back tommorow?
*Zelda nods in response*
Link to Zelda: Huh... that's odd... I've been having nightmares like that, too.
Zelda in response: Really??
Link in response: Yeah. It's always the same... Ganondorf comes back, crushes Hyrule and gets part of the Tri-Force.
*silence from both for three seconds*
Zelda: Maybe we should tell my father about this.
Link in response: Let's go.
*Both get up and run into the castle, switch to next part of the scene where we see Link and Zelda exiting a large room*
Zelda: I can't believe this! The guards wouldn't even let us in! What could possibly be more important than Ganondorf's return?!
Link in response: The party, obviously.
Zelda in response: This is outrageous!
*Link looks to his left, stops Zelda*
Link: Zelda! Look at that mountain!!
*Zelda looks, and is terrified by what she sees; we now see what Link pointed out: shadows surrounding a mountain top.*
Zelda: Oh, no...!
Scene 3: Ganondorf
We take a CG trip to the mountain. At the top, there is a small castle where Ganondorf is residing. He is on a balcony, overlooking the kingdom of Hyrule. He has in his hand a red orb, acting like a crystal ball. This also introduces one of the coolest characters in the movie: Shakkrah.
Ganondorf: Oh, "great" kingdom of Hyrule... you thought that you had gotten rid of me, didn't you? Hm, hm... If that's the case you're dumber than I thought. That spell I cast upon your great kingdom could not be removed, even by me. But you knew that, didn't you great king? You knew all along that the spell was permanent, and yet you carried on as if nothing was wrong. *Scowls* Poor, delusional fool. *Shatters the orb*
*Shakkrah comes up to Ganondorf*
Ganondorf to Shakkrah: Ah, Shakkrah. I assume you're here to give me a status report on my army?
Shakkrah in response: It is almost ready to strike, my lord.
Ganondorf in response: Excellent. When will it be at full strength?
Shakkrah in response: Tomorrow.
Ganondorf in response: Good answer. You know the objective, don't you?
Shakkrah in response: Of course.
Ganondorf in response: And what is it, exactly?
Shakkrah in response: Capture Zelda, the princess of Hyrule. With her in your possession, you'll get another part of the Tri-Force.
*Ganondorf turns around, slowly walks to opposite window*
Ganondorf in response: You impress me, Shakkrah. I knew I made a good choice when I chose you to be my right-hand man.
Shakkrah in response: I only live to serve you, lord Ganondorf.
Ganondorf in response: And that is what has kept you alive these years. Ah, if fate were as loyal to me as you are, I would have no trouble winning the coming battle.
Shakkrah in response: I really doubt that you will have any trouble, sir. After all, what defense does Hyrule have?
Ganondorf in response: Hm, hm... yes, indeed. Hyrule is not even expecting an attack. This will be almost too easy... *turns around, walks to opposite window, turns to look at Shakkrah*
Ganondorf to Shakkrah: Why are they so vulnerable, anyway?
Shakkrah in response: I think they're celebrating the day they killed you, my lord.
Ganondorf in response: They're celebrating my demise, are they...? Hm-hm... this is better than I expected. With the celebration going on, they aren't ready for ANYTHING. I hope they don't mind having some... extra guests.
Shakkrah in response: Well, they'll have to deal with us either way.
Ganondorf to Shakkrah (new topic): By the way, it's time for your training.
Shakkrah in response: Oh yes, my favorite pastime...
Scene 4: Game of Death
Shakkrah's training, which is a fight against a mighty warrior from Ganondorf's army. There is an audience. This is the first real fight scene in the movie. In this fight, Shakkrah fights an ogre.
There is no dialogue in this scene.
Scene 5: Revelations
Zelda finally tells her father everything she has seen. This is an important part of the movie.
Zelda: Father! There's something you should know! It's urgent!!
King in response: Well don't just stand there, tell me.
Zelda in response: It's Ganondorf... he's come back!
King in resposne: Ganondorf alive? You can't be serious!
Zelda in response: I am serious, father. You remember that mountain, the one that he lived upon? It's surrounded by shadows! It's his doing!
King in response: Now wait a minute, wait a minute. You're saying that the mountain to the north is surrounded by black magic?
Zelda in response: Not only that, but I've been having these dreams lately of this happening -- they were always the same: Ganondorf returns and gains a third of the Tri-Force!
King in response: Oh, dear...! Zelda, I think it's time I showed you something...
Zelda in response: What? Showed me what?
King in response: Come with me. *both leave the room*
*They now come into a stairway leading into a special room, containing a trademark LoZ object...*
Zelda (sees what is so special): *Gasp*...! That's the...
*We now see what the object is, as we get a full behind-view of it.*
Zelda: The Master Sword...!
King to Zelda: This is actually the second master sword, forged for this event.
Zelda in response: What happened to the first one?
King in response: You see, during the battle between Barchetross and Ganondorf... *while he speaks, we flash to the battle, which has footage we never saw in the intro* ...the original Master Sword was shattered. Desperate to save the kingdom, Barchetross stabbed the remaining blade into Ganondorf's dark heart, successfully killing him. After the warlord swore to return, the second Master Sword was created in case he remained true to his word, which he apparently has.
*After seeing Ganondorf's real death, we flash back to the present.*
Zelda in response: Wait a minute... how could Ganondorf be back in the first place? Didn't the wizards remove the spell?
King in response: We thought we did. But it turns out that Ganondorf made his spell permanent, meaning that he would return once more no matter what we did.
Zelda in response: So you just kept it hidden from the kingdom? What kind of kingly act is that?!
King: I tried to get the word out, but it had been such a long time that nobody believed me. I'm surprised that they still continue to listen to the story.
*brief moment of silence*
King to Zelda: Zelda...
*Zelda looks up at the King*
King to Zelda: ... remove The Master Sword from its resting place.
*Zelda walks up to the altar, grabs the handle and sees a brief vision of Ganondorf. After snapping to reality, she sees a third of The Tri-Force glowing on her hand. Obviously, she is shocked.*
King to Zelda: That is what Ganondorf wants.
*Zelda turns to face the King*
King continues: The pieces of The Tri-Force that you and Link possess.
Zelda in response: Link?
King in response: Yes. Link has the second third and Ganondorf has the final. If one of you gets all three sections, you will have the power that men have always dreamed of having.
Zelda in response: I... I've gotta tell Link!
*Zelda runs up the staircase, scene ends*
I hope to start shooting next summer. I should have the script finished by then.
It looks like you worked really hard on that script so far. Have you tried Celtx? It's a great program for writing scripts and screenplays.
I have it, though I'm not sure how it's much different from any other text program.
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