Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Monster Of The Creek

On June 4th, 2008, me and Katie were taking Pilot for a walk while the others cleaned out her place. When we went up the black driveway a second time, I spotted something that should not have been there: a foot-long snapping turtle. I promptly ran to the house to tell everyone that I had found a "monster turtle". I grabbed a camera, went back to the site and snapped some photos (which I hope to upload soon). In the past, turtles have been sighted from time to time. But never anything like this. I hope to keep you informed on this creature, and let you know if it's sighted again, if it gets any bigger and if any attacks occur. That's all, Michael out!


Dan and Rachel said...

It sounds like your month of June has started out with some excitement!

Dan and Rachel said...

Michael, how have you been? Any more happenings... happening?

Michael J. Day said...

Check out my new post.