Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Feeling Of Being Financially Limited -- No, Make That Constrained

I have to say, things have been... interesting this year. Dad's got a new job in Atlanta, Georgia, meaning the family will be moving down there with him, including myself... and even though I am getting sick and tired of the constant obnoxious construction sites popping up everywhere in Tennessee, I'd also love to be able to settle down sometime soon and get myself some cash while living on my own... but as I'll be moving soon, the idea of getting a job here in Tennessee seems almost futile. 

Worse yet, thanks to the craziest week of my life I've spent quite a bit of my tax return money hanging out with friends -- and with no constant source of income, I'm suddenly feeling a lot less free than I did before. Doesn't exactly help that I found out too late that one of my friends could have paid on my behalf, therefore meaning I wouldn't have had to throw all that cash away. Seriously: you never know how easy it is to lose money until it's gone. Especially when you happen to be unemployed.

All I have is my classes... but I even find them to be somewhat frustrating. Almost as if they're getting in the way of a perceived path of life that I desperately want: independence. Yet simultaneously a degree would ensure that I could more easily get a more lucrative job in the future... but naturally I'm being impatient about all this. You know what'd be nice? A chance to make some money. Not for any long-term employment, but just a few opportunities here and there to do something good in exchange for payment. I'm sick of feeling limited. I'm sick of feeling the shackles of empty pockets. But what do I do? Where do I start looking? What opportunities await me on campus?

Maybe it's time I started searching around online... there's got to be something I can do here. After all, we're living in the age of the internet; not everything is so limited anymore.

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