Friday, August 1, 2008

I'm working on a movie!!

The title says it all. I'm currently in the proccess of writing a movie starring my little sister, Katie. It's appropriately named "El Chupacabra", as the Chupacabra is the villain. I've currently written the opening three scenes, all of which are well-done. Jon, Ryan and our friends will be acting in this movie alongside Katie. As for me, I'll be playing as the monster. Here' the script so far:

El Chupacabra script

Plot: A group of kids become suspicious of the disappearances of pets around the neighborhood and decide to investigate. They learn that it is the work of a Chupacabra, a creature from Puerto Rican myth. With nobody to believe them, it is up to them to bring the monster down. But how can a bunch of kids destroy this bloodthirsty horror?

Cast: Brent Rudolph
Connor O' Leary
Jonathon Day
Katie Day
Michael Day
Mitch Deitz (if possible)
Ryan Day

Opening scene:

Characters: Katie Day, Lucky (dog)

Narration (by Katie Day)

Sequence: There are such things as monsters. I know because I saw one in our backyard. It was late at night and I heard Lucky barking outside. Apparently, someone had forgotten to let him in. So I went outside to put him in when I saw to glowing red circles staring at me-- eyes! I was freaked out, but didn't run. I slowly let Lucky in and crept into the house. After letting Lucky in, I ran up to my room and hid under my covers. After a while, I looked out the window and saw the creature walking around in our backyard. It was crouched, so I couldn't determine its exact height. It had a row of spikes down its back and these huge wings. I knew this was the creature I saw in the dark because of one telltale sign: red glowing eyes. I watched it out of curiosity and terror until it finally flew away. I didn't get any sleep that night; my mind was too overflowed with questions: what was that thing? What was it after? And... would it come back?

Scene 2:

Characters: Jonathon Day, Katie Day, Ryan Day, Mom, Dad


Jon (to Ryan): So how did it go?

Ryan (to Jon): Terrible. Let's face it, Eric, I'll never get that guy back.

Mom (to Ryan): Look, Taylor, just because he took your lunch money doesn't mean you have to take revenge.

Ryan (to Mom): You're just saying that because you don't know what they had on the menu today.

Jon (to Ryan): What'd they have on the menu?

Ryan (to Jon): Pizza.

*Katie comes down*

Mom (to Katie): Good morning, Ashley.

Katie (to Mom): Good morning.

Jon (to Katie): Geez, Ashley, LOOK at you! Did you get any sleep last night?

Katie (to Jon): No, as a matter of fact, I didn't.

Ryan (to Katie): What kept you up?

Katie (to Ryan): A... never mind.

Jon (to Katie): What? C'mon, tell us! What'd you see?

Katie (to Jon): You'll just make fun of me.

Ryan *sarcasm*: Did the boogeyman try to get you again?

Katie (to Ryan): I stopped believing in that phoney ever since I was 5!

Jon (to Katie): Okay, then, what WAS it??

Katie: Oh fine, I'll tell you.

Jon/Ryan (to Katie): WELL?

Katie: It was a monster outside.

Jon (to Katie): What? A monster? Don't tell me- it was big, scaly, had horns and was coming to get you, right?

Katie (to Jon): No it wasn't! It was after the dog!

Ryan (to Katie): Well, how come he's still alive, huh?

Katie (to Ryan): I let him in!

*Dad comes in*

Dad: What's all this yelling?

Jon (to Dad): Ashley thinks she saw a monster out back.

*Dad laughs*

Katie (to Dad): Stop it!

Dad (to Katie): Ashley, you know there's no such thing as monsters.

Katie (to Dad): This one's real! It had these big glowing eyes and it flew away with bat wings!

Jon (to Katie): Look, Ashley, you're gonna have to prove to me that you saw that thing, otherwise I'm not gonna believe you.

Mom: Okay, guys, get your shoes on. The bus is coming.

*Later, outside, as Ashley (Katie) is walking to the bus stop she cautiously looks around, wondering if the creature is nearby. She is apparently freaked out to be outside again, though the creature is not present.*

Scene 3: The Classroom

Cast: Jon Day, Katie Day, Ryan Day, Brent Rudolph, Connor O' Leary, Other kids, Teacher (any person will do)

Setting: School, Katie is drawing the monster she saw while the teacher is talking.


Teacher: There are many rainforests in this world, the most popular being the Amazon, home to a variety of plants and animals. The most famous animal of the forest is the Anaconda, a snake that is rumored to grow to over 50 feet. Other animals of the Amazon include... *notices Katie drawing*

Teacher (to Katie): Ashley, what are you doing that's so much more important than the subject?

*Katie continues to draw*

Teacher: Ashley? Ashley!!

*Katie looks up, surprised*

Teacher (to Katie): Ashley, what are you doing? You're supposed to be paying attention...! What's that you're drawing?

Katie (to Teacher): Um... nothing.

*Teacher takes notebook, walks over to the black board and looks at the picture*

Teacher (to Katie): Is this... a Chupacabra?

Katie (to Teacher): I don't know what it is. All I know is that I saw it in my backyard last night.

*All kids laugh*

Teacher: Quiet!

*Laughter stops immediately*

Teacher: Look, Ashley, there are times to draw, and times not to draw and this it one of those times when your attention is more important to me than a drawing. Okay?

Katie (to Teacher): Sigh, okay.

Teacher (to Katie): Okay.

*Focuses on Katie, Teacher speaking in the background*

Teacher: Now, other creatures living in the Amazon include...

*Scene ends, switches to the house*

So what did you think? I'll have the full script soon enough. I'll keep you informed until then. See ya!

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