Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Man, what a day.

It's been such a big day. First, we cleaned Jon and Ryan's room (it looks real good now). Afterwards, we worked with our two dogs who, by the way, are getting along nicely. After that, we went out and played at a park. As we were heading for the van, Katie scraped her knee. When we got home, we were gonna cook pizza for dinner, when the oven died. We're gonna shop for a new one tomorrow. Because of this, we went out to eat. And after that, I added this to the blog.

That's it for today. I'm outta here! Goodnight, everyone :)

1 comment:

Dan and Rachel said...

I hope you got a new oven. it's too bad that your old one stopped working right when you were about to make pizza, but hey, at least you got to go out to eat!