Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Michael's Thoughts On: Forcing Cap. America To Be Gay

So there's been a lot of controversy surrounding topics like this, and so I thought I'd throw in my two cents in a professional and mature manner.

If you didn't know already, let me fill you in: lately there's been a mass craze about taking popular mainstream characters in film, television, and other forms of media and making them gay... purely to make them gay. Not because it contributes drama to the plot or makes the characters more interesting, no, nothing rational like that. They just wanted characters to be gay for the sake of gayness. Whatever it is, if it's popular enough people are pleading -- if not outright demanding -- that at least one of the main characters should be given a love interest of the same gender, even if it doesn't make any sense or would feel forced.

Some would say that this is meant to give support to the gay community, but I have to ask: if support and progressivism really is the idea here, then why not make original characters to fill in the blanks and let the straight characters remain straight? There's a fine line between positivity and pandering; and the idea of taking someone like Captain America, who has consistently expressed purely heterosexual leanings, and making him suddenly attracted to other men isn't supportive at all. It's just a plea for attention and an effort to pander to a demographic that, let's be honest here, isn't even asking for Cap and others to be gay in the first place.

You heard me right: the gay community themselves ARE NOT the ones demanding that the orientations of fictional characters be switched around. They're more interested in just living their lives like regular people, and enjoying films like Captain America without constantly wishing that they were represented in them. That's because they're confident enough in themselves that they don't need to be validated by other forms of media. So if the "target demographic" isn't making these requests, and in fact would rather have characters just be themselves instead of being modeled after a political message, then this begs the question: who's making these demands in the first place?

I'll tell you who: the "trendy" college-age SJW's that we all love to hate. They're the ones who feel like we need to pander to whatever progressive trend is hot at the moment, and we shouldn't listen to their demands. They're not in it for the gay community; they're in it to make themselves feel good. That's all it's ever been about: self-serving douche bags who desperately want to cry "victim" because without an enemy, their lives have no meaning. Now keep in mind, I can deal with gay characters in films if it's done right, even if I don't personally believe the lifestyle to be a Godly one; after all they're still a part of the world and they're still people, with value that goes deeper than their sexual preferences. But there seems to be a trend going on now where social justice warriors are decrying the presence of straight romance in films... and it's gotta stop.

Don't feed the Tumblr whales, folks.


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