Saturday, May 7, 2016

Home Sweet Home

Well the semester is over and I'm finally back at my folks' home. And with that sweet, sweet escape there has come an unfortunate dividend... namely my body finally caving in to a sickness that's been building up gradually over the course of weeks. Funny how my body can do that; it's like it physically denies me any sickness until I can actually afford to be bedridden. Good job, body. Thanks to you I was able to finish all my finals without the burden of a fever.

Fortunately the aforementioned fever seems to be vanishing almost as quickly as it arrived in the first place. I've been walking around all day today with only marginal difficulty, and my symptoms have been gradually receding faster than my hairline! ... ... Okay, that joke actually kind of hurt me. Self-deprecating humor can only go so far.

Anyway, I've also pretty much decided that I'll be taking a break from college until things settle down around here and I have a better understanding of what I wanna do with my life; with the family moving to Georgia very soon, it's best we should focus on that first and foremost. When I started out as a student I had no idea that we'd be moving anywhere at all for a good long time; I honestly thought Tennessee was gonna be our permanent home. Then again though, we of the Day family don't exactly have the best track record when it comes to permanent housing. How many times have we moved now in my lifetime? 4? 5?

In any case, I can safely say that I'm actually looking forward to the move this time. This area of Tennessee has way too much construction, way too little wildlife... whereas the area of Georgia my family's moving to has the exact opposite: plenty of wildlife, absolutely no construction. I'm talking woods, rivers, hills, valleys... I think I'm gonna love it there.

Now, onto the spiritual segment of this not-so-weekly update... yeah, I know what you're thinking: What, this again? Wasn't this settled like two posts ago? Heh... yeah, don't I wish. Apparently the power of self-guilt isn't quite as potent as it seems, since I'm still finding myself thinking about "Christian Witchcraft" and other things of that nature. (I guess I'll just stop acting like I can put it all behind me and just regularly tell you guys what's on my mind as far as that goes) However, as usual I must still approach the topic with an open yet logical mind. And if nothing else, I've steadily become more and more critical of the occult and the beliefs held by its various members.

For example: there is a saying that people in these communities often times use, which goes "as above, so below". What this statement means is that God is equal to man, man is equal to Earth, and so on and so forth. And following this logic, it's believed in their circles that the actions of man must certainly equal the actions of God. ... ... But given the frequent conflicting natures, beliefs, and behaviors of each individual person, then the core logic behind the saying falls apart completely. Are Islamic terrorists representative of God's nature? How about corrupt politicians? Pedophiles? Rapists? Thieves?

Do you see the problem here? And this is just one logical fallacy I've come to find in the occult belief system.

However, the Craft is far too varied to be limited to just one ideology or belief system. I'm... honestly not sure what to make of where I want my spiritual journey to go. I did find this very interesting webpage, however... and the woman who wrote this seems almost to be some kind of a reflection of myself. Or rather, who I could be. Granted of course I approach her theology with a critical mind... but not a closed one. But the question is this: after all this spiritual drama, going this way and that across a theological checkerboard, where does it all leave me?

I guess when it all comes down to it, it's still my life and my choice to make. My curiosity about this stuff isn't something I can just get away from, even if I'd want to. So I guess... I'll just see wherever the wind takes me, and trust that Christ will be there to catch me if (or when) I inevitably fall. That's all for my thoughts tonight, guys. Have a good one.


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