Thursday, April 28, 2016

A Question of Faith: Stepping Back

... What have I done? What am I doing?

No, really guys... what am I doing?

I've been going about this all wrong... all wrong. Why am I seeking spiritual guidance and comfort from places outside of Christianity? Why am I obsessing so much over Paganism and Wicca when I already have a great and loving God who'll take care of me and tend my needs?

Why am I so eager to put Christ in my pocket when He deserves to be at the forefront of my life?

Why am I so quick to find some "alternative" lifestyle when Christ is already providing me with all that I need? I'm already an individual! I don't need nature worship to fill that void!

Friends, tonight I had an epiphany. Jesus spoke directly to me, all without saying a single word. He made me realize just how foolish I've been about all this... I've been such an idiot! No more! NO MORE!

I've been taking my fascination with these alternative religions far too seriously, and it's been putting a rift between me and my Heavenly Father. I've been putting Wicca and animism first, and Christ second. Well that changes tonight!

I mean yeah, I'll always see these things as a curiosity. But they should remain that, at the absolute most: just a curiosity. I'm not gonna put my faith in things like faeries and sentient trees when I already have a flawless God to worship. I take back what I said last time: this is the conclusion of my conundrum. This is the path I will walk: the path of loyalty to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who died for our sins and is risen, living, and quick to save us from ourselves.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!


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